Church members continually open our doors and hearts to people struggling to find food, housing, and medicare care. We often join other organizations in extending our reach to the needy. You may want to join us.
Here's how: First we feed the hungry.
One week each month, volunteer drivers from our church deliver hot meals to shut-ins in Virginia Beach.
We join the JCOC in battling homelessness by donating to their program, and several times a year we prepare and serve meals to their people staying at the center.
Decades ago our congregation supported the children of migrant workers on the Eastern Shore of Virginia. We helped supply their day care center and built a recreation area for them. This ministry evolved into working with Habitat For Humanity in the same area. We packed our hammers and paint brushes to build Habitat homes for deserving families. Even our youth learned to install sheetrock and siding when they worked on construction sites. Several of our members served on the Board of Directors of Habitat For Humanity.
The church has hosted the Thalia Lion’s Club Blood Drive for several years. Because several church members are also Lion’s Club members, it’s natural to join in the worthy causes of your friends, even when they ask for your blood.
Outreach collects school supplies in the summer for Apple Tree Program. They are distributed to shelter and homeless children by the VB school district.
In the fall, the John B. Dey Elementary School has a hat and mitten tree for the Food Pantry families. (Thanks to Susan and Abby W.)
We also bring bags of food to some residents at Luther Manor for the holidays.
Donated clothes, shoes, and household items are collected and given to a church that has a clothes closet to help the needy.
Hotel sized soaps and shampoos, etc, are donated to the Lighthouse or the JCOC to help the homeless.
During the school year you can use your link your Harris Teeter or Kroger rewards cards to benefit schools or charities of your choice.
Cloth, paper, and plastic bags are are recycled.
Clean, empty prescription bottles are taken to the local SPCA veterinary clinic for re-use.
Empty egg cartons are taken to a local Food Pantry.
Packing materials such as bubble wrap, packing peanuts or craft paper packing can be reused. We have two church members who use them in their businesses.